
Relative to what's going on in Europe, also note the following: German parliament votes to make it easier for people to legally change their name and gender - https://apnews.com/article/germany-name-gender-changes-transgender-parliament-9eb64bbe96b286b71bbc8c4343dae4d0

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Author

For Kansans, Senator Cindy Holscher has indicated that Sen. Rob Olsen and Sen. Brenda Dietrich could potentially flip their votes and vote to sustain a veto. Contact them and appeal to doing the right thing for LGBTQIA+ individuals/families in Kansas.

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I’m hiding all subsequent bigoted comments of yours Watcher McGee. Take it elsewhere. Or better yet, keep it to yourself. And maybe read some of the links shared in the piece - reduce your ignorance.

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deletedMar 31
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You are an ignorant asshole, Watcher McGee. The only freak in the room is you.

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